Monday, May 18, 2009

Slowing Down Cell Aging

You have heard it before, “eat right, exercise and reduce stress”. Now it seems there is even more evidence of the statements importance, because it may lead to longer cell life and ultimately extend your life. Major lifestyle changes from eating an apple or fresh fruit as your afternoon snack, rather than a candy bar, adding a regular exercise regime to your daily routine, and learning to reduce stress, may strengthen levels of telomerase, an enzyme that controls cell aging.

The life span of Americans has continued to improve. Possibly because the population is taking many doctors and healthcare providers advice to improve their lifestyles through better eating habits, living habits and exercise regimens. A recent study published online and to be published in print form, in The Lancet Oncology in November, gathered evidence showing major life style changes may extend life and prevent premature cell death.

Thirty men with low-risk prostate cancer who were asked to make significant lifestyle changes participated in a study lead by Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, a UCSF biochemist and known for her discovery of telomeres, which control the longevity of dividing cells, along with her lead colleague Dr. Dean Ornish. A cardiologist and well-known diet, exercise and stress reduction advocate, to prevent deaths from heart disease.

The men were introduced to their new life style, which lasted for three months, during a three-day residential retreat. They were taught stress reduction techniques, and given instructions on how to follow their strict diet, that involved a 10 percent lower-calorie diet from fat, low refined sugars, and a diet filled with fresh fruits, veggies, whole foods, fish oil and supplemental vitamins. They were also taught to incorporate a moderate aerobic activity to their daily regimen and even learned relaxation methods, and breathing techniques.

Telomerase levels for the men were taken at the beginning of the study, and again after the three month period. Researchers discovered telomerase in the blood increased by 29 percent and bad cholesterol decreased. Telomerase is an enzyme that repairs and lengthens telomeres, a DNA protein complex which affects how fast cells age. A persons life may be cut short based on shorter telomeres which die quicker. A professor at King’s College in London, Tim Spector stated, “Lifestyle can affect your telomeres. It would be interesting to find out whether it is diet, stress or both that is important.”

It seems the more Americans learn through research and scientific studies, in regards to ways to live better and longer, many are taking notes, as seen with life expectancies continuing to grow. Based on this study, we see one more reason to improve our diets, exercise and to reduce stress. The authors of the study stated, “The implications of this study are not limited to men with prostate cancer. Comprehensive lifestyle changes may cause improvements in telomerase and telomeres that may be beneficial to the general population as well.”