Thursday, July 2, 2009

Surgical Cosmetic Procedures Continue to Gain Popularity

Would you like to look years younger? Maybe you would like to be a bit slimmer, have a more prominent chin, or even more voluptuous? It seems many Americans would love to have some form of plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure to improve their appearance. In fact, 85 percent of adult Americans would partake of facial plastic surgery if given the opportunity.

The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), which represents over 2,700 facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons around the world, recently reported on a study revealing that 80 percent of those surveyed prefer only a certified facial plastic surgeon to perform procedures on their face, neck or head.

Even if you plan to use a specialist in cosmetic alterations, it is very important to gather all the information you can in regards to a cosmetic procedure you are considering, as well as research on the doctor and facility you plan to use for the procedure.

In a perfect society, those less fortunate in the looks category wouldn’t fall short behind those better looking, when interviewing for a job, choosing a sole mate, or even making friends. However, looks do matter in our society and it does play a role in many situations. It is probably the main reason that cosmetic procedures continue to gain popularity. While some procedures may be necessary for children under the age of 18, most cosmetic operations are not recommended until adulthood. Many of those who endured years of humiliation by their school peers may opt to alter their looks when they become adults. Surgical and non surgical procedures that are most often performed as luxuries, rather than from necessity, have increased 27 percent in both men and women over the last eight years.

Based on the research performed by Kelton Research for the AAFPRS, if patients were given a free service their first choice would be to have an eyelift. Many aging men and women may begin recognizing that their eyelids have begun to sag. At some point, saggy eyelids may begin to hinder your vision. In this case, your insurance company may cover the costs of the operation! Other popular procedures noted by the study were neck surgeries, nose jobs, face-lifts, and breast enhancements. Nose jobs ranked #1 among men. The study also showed that the demand for Botox® and collagen treatments continue to rise.

Whether it is a mother wanting her pre-motherhood figure back, a maturing adult who would like to erase years of aging or hard work, or a women hoping for a fuller chest, the number of cosmetic procedures continue to rise. In fact, there is now a new surgery on the market called, “bra line back lift”. You probably have noticed where rolls of skin may come over the top of a lady’s bra, underneath the bra, or even both, on a lady’s back. These bra rolls could be history, with the new procedure, and the scars are hidden by the bra line.

If given the opportunity to erase lines from years of aging or to move parts of the body that decided to move south back in their appropriate place; would you do it? Most say “yes”. In fact, even with the hard economic times, there was $13 billion spent on cosmetic procedures last year. Make sure to do your research before having any surgical procedure and don’t rush yourself. Take your time and be informed of all aspects